Landscape restoration

Greener.LAND – a world of opportunities

By February 23, 2021 April 23rd, 2021 No Comments

The previous months, Matthias (student Geo, Media and Design at HAS Hogeschool) has worked on Greener.LAND. Greener.LAND is an online tool that farmers and professionals from around the world can use to help select effective interventions for landscape restoration. Matthias has researched how maps and geographical data can aid in selecting fitting interventions for an area. Aside from researching possibilities, he has also started implementation of this functionality on It is now no longer needed to manually report average precipitation in the project area. This precipitation can be automatically calculated by selecting your area on the map or by filling out GPS-location. This is an important first step in the usability development of this tool!

Greener.LAND is a cooperation between Nature^Squared, SamSamWater Foundation and Justdiggit.