On Tuesday 9th of March, Nature^Squared is organizing an online meet-up for the platform Testlab New Nature and Compact Living (Nieuwe natuur en klein wonen). The meet-up Is directed at sharing inspiration and knowledge about diverse possibilities of financing the creation of new natural areas with the placement of tiny houses. In this online gathering, we will share our experiences and milestones of Testlab over the previous years, and will open the floor to inspiring talks from, among others, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (BZK), Tiny House the Netherlands and the municipality of Wageningen. Participation is free and open to all. Please note that the talk is in Dutch. You can sign up for this meet-up by sending an e-mail to lotte@natuurverdubbelaars.nl stating “sign-up 9th of March”.
- 15:00 – Word of welcome by Daan Groot (Nature^Squared)
- 15:10 – ONS Landschap, improving landscape quality, Ministry of Internal Affairs by David van Zeld van Eldik
- 15:20 – Review of Testlab’s activities over the past three years, by Guide Enthoven (Instituut Maatschappelijke Innovatie)
- 15:40 – Insights and current developments in the Tiny Hosue sector, by Marjolein Jonker (Tiny House Nederland)
- 15:55 – Message from the field in Peel Natuurdorpen (Natural Towns), by initiator Jan Ottens
- 16:10 – Experiences in practice at the municipality of Wageningen, by Wendy Thissen-van Ham and Wilma Pol
- 16:25 – Inspiring vision on Natural Netherlands, by Folef van Nispen and Iman Stratenus
- 16:40 – Look ahead of Testlab 2021, with attention to area-specific pilots, matchmaking and the calculation tool
- 17:00 – Concluding remarks