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Nature^Squared is committed to creating a truly sustainable Planet Earth on which people, companies, and societies prosper. According to us, nature is the starting point to reach that goal and biodiversity is the engine behind a planet that can provide for our needs.


Nature is often seen as an expense and cost-base. The idea that a choice should be made between nature and economy prevails. We believe that nature is essential for us, humans, and that our ecosystems represent a tremendous wealth, both  ecologically and economically.

We have summarised our vision of the value of nature in a short video.


10 years

Nature^Squared celebrates it’s 10 years anniversary and has expanded into a team of 10.

First expansion

The first employee is added to our team.


Nature^Squared is founded.

The idea emerges

The idea behind Nature^Squared emerges in response to a challenge by a Dutch newspaper and several nature conservancies.


In order to arrive at a green economy, we need to join forces. We are an active member of leading network organizations, such as the Natural Capital Coalition (technical advisor), Ecosystem Services Partnership, Businesss@Biodiversity, and MVO Nederland. We already have a lot of knowledge and experience in-house, but we can only accelerate if we learn from each other and work together.


Daan Groot

A real system thinker, Daan acts as a ‘spider in the web’. Founded Nature^Squared in 2012 together with Erwin, because he is convinced that nature...

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Iris Visser

Analyst and connector. Iris works on achieving a just and inclusive world and views sustainable agriculture as the crucial link. After her degree on Social...

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Tom Meijer

Associative and results-oriented. Toms power in organising and collaborating. After a career in business and IT, he turned things around to actively aid the effort...

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Merlissa Diele

Go-getter and questioner. Merlissa’s ambition is to make environmental policy work for the people and nature at the same time. With a broad background in...

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Boi de Moel

Climate-driven and analytical. Boi is determined to create a positive climate impact and strives for multiple value creation, both for people and nature. With a...

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Myrthe Belder

Assertive and connecting. Myrthe strives for greater awareness of sustainability and nature conservation. With her interdisciplinary background in Environment and Resource Management, her expertise lies...

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Eli Morrell

Inquisitive and analytical. Eli believes that greening the financial sector is essential in creating a sustainable future. At Nature^Squared, Eli is focusing on the linkages...

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Kelly Hartholt

Creative and entrepreneurial. Kelly joined De Natuurverdubbelaars as a graphic designer at the end of 2022. She is a creative thinker with a keen eye...

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Yso van der Meer

Curious and passionate. With a background in Earth Sciences and Environmental Management, Yso tries to put everything into greater perspective. During his bachelor's degree in...

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Jort Jorritsma

Driven and systematic. Jort has a strong passion for the food system, and in particular agriculture. Agriculture is the interface where humans and nature meet,...

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Gioia Pors

Ambitious and a nature enthusiast. Gioia specialized in Earth Sciences during her interdisciplinary bachelor's degree, driven by her desire to understand the world around her...

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  • Daan Groot

    A real system thinker, Daan acts as a ‘spider in the web’. Founded Nature^Squared in 2012 together with Erwin, because he is convinced that nature restoration is part of the solution for almost all of the major challenges we are currently facing: climate change, inequality, health, and migration. Daan regularly acts as moderator/facilitator and workshop leader. He was acknowledged as one of the most influential sustainability professionals of The Netherlands, being included on the Sustainable 100, as well as on the Food100 (2017), Young Sustainable 100 (2018, 2017, 2014), and was nominated for the VHG Green Award on Sustainable Tuesday on behalf of Nature^Squared. Daan is professor ‘Innovative Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas’ at the HAS University of Applied Sciences since 2017 and together with Erwin, he published the book ‘Earning a good living with Nature’ (only in Dutch). Daan graduated cum laude as a political scientist with a specialization on International Relations and started his first job at Deloitte (2005-2009).

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  • Iris Visser

    Analyst and connector. Iris works on achieving a just and inclusive world and views sustainable agriculture as the crucial link. After her degree on Social Geography (University of Copenhagen), she started working at Nature^Squared. As befits a true geographer, she easily switches between different scale levels and knows how to combine economic, environmental and social questions. Iris brings valuable international experience and mainly works on delivering projects for our corporate clients, with a specific focus on the transformation of supply chains.

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  • Tom Meijer

    Associative and results-oriented. Toms power in organising and collaborating. After a career in business and IT, he turned things around to actively aid the effort for biodiversity. A lot of global problems arise from the way that we use our nature: it's time to change! At Nature^Squared, Tom works on a diverse group of projects, from valuing ecosystem services to researching innovations for wildlife management.

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  • Merlissa Diele

    Go-getter and questioner. Merlissa’s ambition is to make environmental policy work for the people and nature at the same time. With a broad background in environmental economics and policy and her analytisch outlook, she is capable of addressing complex issues from multiple angles. At Nature^Squared, she works on developing sustainable business cases for nature-inclusive agriculture and monetising ecosystem services.

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  • Boi de Moel

    Climate-driven and analytical. Boi is determined to create a positive climate impact and strives for multiple value creation, both for people and nature. With a completed (MSc) degree focused on finance and sustainability, and work experience within the new economy, he focuses at De Natuurverdubbelaars on accelerating the sustainable transition. Inspired by innovation and efficiency, Boi approaches issues with a multidisciplinary and analytical perspective to promote biodiversity and nature.

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  • Myrthe Belder

    Assertive and connecting. Myrthe strives for greater awareness of sustainability and nature conservation. With her interdisciplinary background in Environment and Resource Management, her expertise lies in ecosystem services and the societal value of nature. At De Natuurverdubbelaars, she works on issues in rural areas, where her practical approach contributes to integrating the value of nature into decision-making, with the goal of strengthening the relationship between people and nature.

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  • Eli Morrell

    Inquisitive and analytical. Eli believes that greening the financial sector is essential in creating a sustainable future. At Nature^Squared, Eli is focusing on the linkages between biodiversity and finance. She has a background in Environmental Resource Management, Political Science and Environmental Governance. With this broad toolkit, she works on projects related to business cases for Forest Landscape Restoration and platforms for biodiversity and finance.

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  • Kelly Hartholt

    Creative and entrepreneurial. Kelly joined De Natuurverdubbelaars as a graphic designer at the end of 2022. She is a creative thinker with a keen eye for detail. As a specialist in data visualization, Kelly is highly aware of the importance of compelling visual communication and making analyses, research, and reports accessible. Kelly is specialized in cartography/GIS, landscape, and ecology. She is dedicated, curious, and entrepreneurial, and aims to contribute to a better world with richer biodiversity and a more balanced environment.

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  • Yso van der Meer

    Curious and passionate. With a background in Earth Sciences and Environmental Management, Yso tries to put everything into greater perspective. During his bachelor's degree in Earth Sciences, he became fascinated by how different natural processes interact to form a complex system. Humans have become an important part of this, which is why Yso believes it is important to understand the relationship between humans and nature. Yso is committed to making nature a fundamental part of society in which both man, and nature, can flourish in a healthy balance.

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  • Jort Jorritsma

    Driven and systematic. Jort has a strong passion for the food system, and in particular agriculture. Agriculture is the interface where humans and nature meet, and is a crucial but often invisible factor in our daily lives. With his background in Sustainable Development and his ability to think interdisciplinary and critically, he has learned how to contribute to a more sustainable future. At Nature^Squared, his work includes projects aimed at increasing nature-inclusive farming within the Dutch agricultural sector.

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  • Gioia Pors

    Ambitious and a nature enthusiast. Gioia specialized in Earth Sciences during her interdisciplinary bachelor's degree, driven by her desire to understand the world around her and her love for nature. With a strong interest in ecology and experience in data analysis, she is involved in analyzing sustainable business cases for a nature-inclusive future in Dutch agriculture with Nature^Squared.

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We currently have no open vacancies.

Aside from our vacancies, we are always open to accommodate ambitious students looking for an internship opportunity.  This can be on one of the topics below, but we are also interested in hearing your ideas! Interested? Then please get in touch!