News from the lab

Let’s meet: Merlissa

By March 8, 2021 April 23rd, 2021 No Comments

In March, Merlissa Diele has started her internship at Nature^Squared. In this post we will introduce you to her! “My ambition is to make environmental policy work for the people and nature at the same time.” As intern at the Natuurverdubbelaars, she works on developing engaging agricultural business cases that are beneficial to both nature and farmers. With a broad background in environmental economics and policy and her analytisch outlook, she is capable of addressing complex issues from multiple angles. After her concluding internship of het masters in environmental economics at Wageningen University, she hopes to aid in designing policy and projects that benefit both nature and mankind.

At Nature^Squared, she will work on two projects. Mainly, she will focus on designing a business case for the cultivation of crops for the biobased construction industry, where she zooms in on the economical and financial conditions of a profitable operation. Additionally, she aids in analysing the profitability of nature-inclusive dairy farming. With her optimistic and analytical outlook, she hopes to contribute to realising projects aimed at nature conservation.