Last Friday, during “The Foregin Office” (Bureau Buitenland) NPO Radio 1 broadcasted an interview about the approach that Nature^Squared has developed to break the pattern of global biodiversity loss. Sterkur, producer of physiotherapy products, has already implemented this approach in its business model. It is 100% scalable and applicable to other companies who use natural materials for their final products and who want to make a positive impact through their business operations.
In Asia and Latin-America, primary rainforests are converted to intensive agriculture. It is not uncommon that the land turns into a desert after only a few years and that, as a result, farmers start cutting the next piece of forest. But we can do things differently. Farmers in the tropics – but also in the Netherlands – can produce in a more sustainable way and it does not have to be expansive. Entrepreneur Erwin van Woudenberg has figured out how. And he puts it into practice with his company. A report by Edwin Koopman.
https://www.nporadio1.nl/bureau-buitenland/onderwerpen/500638-nieuw-landbouw-voor-de-tropen (in Dutch only).