After a pilot during the Sustainable Week last year, the Community of Practice Business in Landscapes will start in 2020. This CoP is aimed at Dutch companies that have a relationship with production landscapes anywhere in the world. This often runs through complex and non-transparent chains. Even when chains are fully mapped out, such companies often have no clear and formal role in the landscape.

At the same time, it is becoming clear that these landscapes are degrading, with processes such as soil degradation and loss of biodiversity, and that there is a need for climate adaptation. In order to become part of the solution rather than part of the problem, more and more companies are realizing that they have to redefine their relationship to these landscapes. However, this is not easy.

This Community of Practice supports companies that want to get started with this by learning together, testing new approaches and exchanging experiences. The CoP starts in early 2020, registration is still possible! Contact or call 06 3824 8897.

The Community of Practice is organized in collaboration with Solidaridad, MVO Nederland and with support from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency. For more information, download the concept note via this link.