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Business models for large-scale landscape restoration projects in South America and East Africa
WWF Germany has teamed up with the IUCN Washington Office and the World Resources Institute to establish a Forest Landscape…
Read FullDutch Cuisine: the environmental footprint of food
What is the ecological footprint of a culinary menu at a restaurant? How does the footprint decrease when we replace…
Read FullKick-Off Project Cost-Benefit Analysis Regenerative Dairy Farming
More and more farmers are started to opt for a form of regenerative, nature-inclusive way of farming. There are, however,…
Read FullStart project agriculture for the biobased construction sector
(Image: BOOM! Landscape) There is demand for biobased construction materials in the Netherlands, and production of these materials already partly…
Read FullWhat are food forests? (Dutch)
The past couple years, we have been doing research into the financial viability of creating food forests in close cooperation…
Read FullConference for the Bee for the province of Utrecht
Nature^Squared is organising a Conference for the Bee 2020 that was commissioned by the province of Utrecht. We hope to…
Read FullFuture outlook and adaptation pathways for peat meadows
Our colleague Lotte has combined her work at Nature^Squared for the last two years with a Master program on Water…
Read FullLong-term research project on strip cultivation: Crop Field/Nature Field
Cosun, CZAV, and farmer Eugène van den Eijnden have launched a unique experiment to investigate whether profitable cultivation and nature…
Read FullEreprijs 2020 – the winners!
The winners of the Ereprijs of the province of Overijssel have been announced! The green entrepreneur’s prize for the agricultural…
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