The winners of the Ereprijs of the province of Overijssel have been announced! The green entrepreneur’s prize for the agricultural sector, the leisure economy and business parks that we organized together with the province of Overijssel.
We would have liked to have congratulated the winners personally during the award ceremony, but in view of the circumstances, the winners were called by deputy Gert Harm ten Bolscher and a mini-symposium will be organized later this year where all participants of the Ereprijs are welcome!
And the winners are…
In the agricultural sector, Danique and Joke Kottelenberg have won with the initiative Twentse Boerin. They have a concrete plan to make the transition from regular dairy farming to a sustainable, circular farm. For this they will build a hazelnut orchard, they will replace livestock for vegetable production and a food forest will be realized.
Andrea and Rob te Wierik Bergs have won the first prize in the leisure sector with their Hotel als regenwaterambassade. The plan is to build a green roof at their hotel in the center of Deventer that collects rainwater and they aim to make this visible to guests. This initiative, which focuses on climate adaptation and biodiversity, shows that biodiversity is not just for rural areas, but that there are also opportunities in the city.
Leefbaar Bedrijvenpark Marssteden has won the first prize in the category business parks. Through park manager Mark van Mast, they received their prize for planting trees and herb and flower-rich grass in order to realize a nature-inclusive entrance to the park.
The three winners will receive a grant worth €10,000 to realize their initiatives. All other 60 participants will be called in the coming weeks for an advisory videomeeting. Because we would like to support and advise entrepreneurs wholeheartedly to implement their green plans. We will be working on this in the coming weeks and we will be conducting part of the consultations.