After working on landscape finance for the last few years for several of our partners and clients, we have spent our summer to compile a generic Landscape Finance Framework.
Landscape restoration is an emerging theme and its momentum couldn’t be clearer with the now established UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration. Around the world, local and international organizations are working towards restoring landscapes and biodiversity. But as the $ 2.5 trillion SDG finance gap demonstrates, without additional (private sector) funding, we are nowhere near achieving the goals of climate resilience and bending the loss of biodiversity.
Landscapes possess natural resources and provide ecosystem services. By restoring landscapes, the value of natural resources, our natural capital, increases. This means there is a huge, and largely untapped, business case for landscape restoration.
This Framework offers a standardized framework to identify, measure, value and monetarize natural capital at the landscape level. It investigates the economic drivers of the landscape and potentially new, sustainable business cases. Furthermore, it assesses financing readiness and opportunities that fit these landscapes. By doing so, it presents an opportunity for landscapes to get the funding they need, and for funders to get a pipeline of readily projects that fit their interests.
Want to learn more? Do not hesitate to get in touch!