Over the past six months, a group of three HAS students has been commissioned by the research group Innovative Entrepreneurship for Rural Development to conduct research on business models for food forest in the Netherlands. The main conclusion is that food forests have a positive balance that is higher than most other forms of agriculture, yet require a longer time period to reach their potential. Pricing is of great importance to achieve this positive balance.
The research is the fourth consecutive study into the economic opportunities for food forests in the Netherlands and builds on earlier research from the programme Innovative Entrepreneurship with Nature.
Students Leonie Puhe, Roy Doomen, and Benjamin van Leeuwen have been nominated for the KNCL student innovation award 2019 with their research. The research formed a part of the larger programme Food Forest Southeast Netherlands.
The research group Innovative Entrepreneurship with Nature is led by professor Daan Jochem Groot and professor Erwin van Woudenberg, both also founders of Nature^Squared.