Together with Iron Roots, we are working on making the cotton sector more sustainable. Our colleagues Lotte van Helden and Pieter Post proudly show the ”Nature^Squared x Iron Roots” t-shirt that we had made for all those involved in the project to celebrate this milestone.
A year ago, we formed the Short Circuit Project Technical Advisory Board consisting of entrepreneurs and other professionals from textiles, agrifood, IT, management and network organizations. We are validating our insights and ideas with the Advisory Board and are very pleased with their input. As a token of thanks, everyone received a biodiverse, plastic-free t-shirt, which can now be seen on sports grounds all over the country.
Want to know more about the sustainability project? Then take a look at the website of the Short Circuit Project. Do you also want a nice sustainable and plastic-free T-shirt to do sports? Then take a look at Iron Roots.