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Testlab new forest and tiny houses

By December 6, 2018 June 19th, 2020 No Comments

How nice would it be to provide both new nature and forests by combining it with tiny houses? Imagine a world where housing would not be at the expense of nature, but where housing adds nature.

Therefore, we are looking for leading municipalities that would like to explore the possibility to build tiny houses in their municipality by a community of practice. With these municipalities, a quick scan for the opportunities for tiny houses will be performed.

Participate with us in this collaboration between the Ministry of Economic affairs, state forest management, IMI, Nature^Squared, and Tiny House NL to explore the opportunities. Government landholdings, compensation projects, and agricultural grounds will be explored as a possibility for this transition to nature. Furthermore, the financial, juridical and administrative possibilities will be explored.

The benefits at a glance:

  • Additional forest contributes to nature and climate goals (52.000 ha nature and CO2-storage); besides that, forest contributes to wood production, biodiversity, recreation, filtering of fine dust, reduction of heat stress and health.
  • Tiny houses are interesting for a broad target group like starters, elders and people that need care and are quick to realize and sustainable.
  • Conversion of farmed land to nature offers new perspectives for agricultural entrepreneurs or farmers that will quit an do not have a successor that will live on the farm (24.000).
  • The business case is mostly funded with private money. Municipalities can enable tiny houses by experiments, a booster budget and/or change in destination plan.

The “Testlab new forest and tiny houses” is an initiative of Nature^Squared and the Institute for Social innovation, in collaboration with Tiny House NL, state forest management and Link in Green.