The Food Valley, located in the provinces of Gelderland and Utrecht, is a region of international renown, particularly due to its highly productive agri-food industry. In light of the various challenges facing the area, the region needs to transition from conventional to more nature-inclusive agriculture. This means creating a rural area with increased space for both people and nature. To achieve this vision, it is crucial to consult farmers and other relevant stakeholders in the region. What added values can agriculture provide? What conditions (money, time, knowledge) are necessary to realize these values?
On behalf of the Province of Gelderland, we organized a value table where we addressed these and other questions. In sessions with various relevant stakeholders from the project area, including representatives from different governments and farmers, we identified the societal contributions agriculture could make in the Food Valley. We discussed which policy themes and goals these contributions are linked to, what measures are needed to achieve the identified goals, what system adjustments in agricultural practice are required to implement the measures, and what support is needed from government organizations or other societal actors to shape the intended transition.
Based on the input gathered through the guide questions, we are developing a manual for creating a regional offer. The value of a regional offer is that it considers the executing parties, the farmers, and is based on collaboration and the strengths and capacities of the farmers. In the past, farmers often felt that decisions were made on their behalf or above their heads. The approach developed through the regional offer is based on trust, enthusiasm, and realistic ambition. This manual can serve as the foundation for the actual regional offer to be developed for the Food Valley and can guide similar processes in other areas.
Want to stay updated on the progress of this manual? Please send an email to the project leader Merlissa Diele!