Green citiesNews from the lab

Green Crown 2019 – And the winners are…

By September 18, 2019 April 23rd, 2020 No Comments

The team of Nature^Squared congratulates the winners of the Green Crown competition 2019 and is proud of successfully organizing this competition in collaboration with the province of Utrecht.

Presentor Eddy Zoëy enthusiastically kicked off the event that took place in a sunny garden (de Moestuin) in Utrecht. Robbert Snep (Wageningen University & Research) and Mathias Lehner ( shared their insights on the importance of biodiversity in the built environment and opportunities to increase biodiversity in urban settings. Then, the time had come for the six finalists to present their initiatives, after which the jury and the deputy of the province of Utrecht announced the two winners of the Green Crown 2019.

And the winners are …………………………………………………………………………………

In the category ‘’small’’ the Green Crown went to initiative De Utrechtse Steen (The Stone of Utrecht) by Studio Natuurinclusief/Ruimtelab. The Stone of Utrecht is a product innovation developed to regreen the quay walls of Utrecht. Over the years, quay walls have become increasingly bare. With its special properties, The Stone of Utrecht aims to restore the original biodiversity by ensuring that ferns, mosses, and other moisture-loving plants can attach themselves to the quays.

In the category ‘’large’’ the Hof van Cartesius won with their initiative Groene Werkplekken 2.0 (green working spaces 2.0). The initiative is focused on realizing a green, outdoor workspace in the city of Utrecht.  In addition to offering an inspiring workplace for entrepreneurs, it makes a clear and direct contribution to local biodiversity. Various pavilions will be created around a collective inner garden. These pavilions function as real ecosystems: the rooftop garden houses herb plants, the food forest attracts robins, the breeding pond offers space for aquatic plants, and the flexible urban farming provides a habitat for butterflies.

Both winners received a € 6,000 check to further develop their initiatives.