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Community of Practice – Business in Landscapes – Update May 2020

By May 26, 2020 June 9th, 2020 No Comments

How do you contribute as a company to positive impact in production landscapes within your, often complex, supply chain? To help companies get started on this, this autumn we will be starting the Community of Practice ‘Business in Landscapes’ with Solidaridad and MVO Nederland. It is a group of learning and doing: together with other professionals in national and international agri-food and non-food companies, we look at what the biggest challenges are, exchange knowledge and experiences, and move towards real action!

We have organized the first co-design session with several food and textile companies. The participants were enthusiastic, stressed the importance of exchanging experiences and learning from each other, and indicated that they would like to meet over a longer period (2.5 years) to achieve results. Six companies have already signed up and there are still places left!

We will soon organize a digital session to identify the expectations and ambitions of the participants and to shape the first sessions. The group decides on the content – what do they want to learn? We facilitate the process.

From September on, we will really get started. We can offer the first four sessions for free. If the participants are enthusiastic, we will look together for funding opportunities for the remaining sessions.

More information about the Community of Practice can be found here.