Healthy Living Environment- Application and development of a new master’s program

CategoryGreen Cities

The HAS University of Applied Sciences and Avans University of Applied Sciences are exploring the opportunity to jointly develop a new master’s program about a healthy living environment, leveraging their combined expertise of the social, natural, built and food environments.

Nature^Squared has been asked to support with the application for the new program, particularly by contributing knowledge about the natural environment. Working closely with various departments from both universities, we co-developed the study program and student profile, analyzed the societal relevance and key labor market trends, and conducted a comparative analysis of existing study programs to highlight the unique elements of this master’s offering. Additionally, we helped shape the educational framework and provided guidance on key literature and teaching methods. The key insights of this collaboration were documented in two reports: the macro-efficiency application and the initial accreditation dossier.

Both universities valued our active engagement and support for a new, integrated, master’s program focused on creating a healthy living environment. We contributed our expertise from the natural environment, while also ensuring the program’s integrated approach was thoughtfully considered. The collaboration has been beneficial in uniting the two universities and advancing the development of more integrated educational programs.

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