Community of Practice Business in Landscapes


CategorySupply Chains


Every food and consumer goods company relies on landscapes and nature for sourcing raw materials. This connection might seem distant at times, but it is rapidly becoming more immediate due to our lack of awareness in managing these resources over the past decades. Issues like erosion, salinization, depletion, drought, pollution, and the rapid loss of biodiversity are increasingly being linked to the production of our food. The amount of usable agricultural land is decreasing globally: 75% of it is degraded to some extent, resulting in reduced productivity and declining quality of the food produced. The loss of healthy soils costs the world approximately 10.6 trillion dollars annually.

An increasing number of companies and business professionals are searching for sustainable alternatives and ways to implement them practically and make them commercially viable.

For these companies, Solidaridad, Natuurverdubbelaars, and MVO Nederland are launching the Community of Practice Business in Landscapes. This initiative focuses on the sourcing of raw materials and products (such as cotton, mangoes, spices, wood, or coffee) and the interaction that production can have with the landscape in which it takes place. This includes positive impacts on water, biodiversity, and soil, as well as on productivity and product quality.

There is room for a maximum of 15 participating companies. So far, we have received 7 applications from the food and textile sectors, including from Verstegen, Bavaria, Moyee, and Fairtrade Original.

Together, we aim to embark on a journey to learn from each other’s experiences and challenges. We want to create thought leadership and work concretely on cases from the participants’ own practices. All of this will be done under the guidance of passionate experts.

What does your company gain from this?

Taking better care of our production landscape is more than just responsible business; it is smart business in both the short and long term. Why? It can:

  1. Increase productivity in the short and long term, ensuring raw material availability over time (boosting revenue);
  2. Reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides (lowering costs and environmental impact);
  3. Improve product quality (better nutritional content, less waste, longer shelf life, better taste);
  4. Generate customer/consumer loyalty or interest;
  5. Enhance your company’s public image;
  6. Increase employee loyalty and pride;
  7. Strengthen your connection with the local community, farmers, and workers in and around the production landscape, or offer them (economic) prospects for the future;
  8. Contribute concretely to addressing biodiversity challenges.
What do you gain as a professional?
  1. A temporary results-driven network of like-minded individuals.
  2. A safe and inspiring environment to learn and innovate together.
  3. The opportunity to become a frontrunner and leader in this relatively new but important domain.
  4. Support in getting your entire company moving forward step by step.
How it works?

We will work openly and interactively with a group of ambitious professionals and companies. Guided by passionate experts, we will deepen our understanding through landscape mapping. Participants will share their current status and define individual challenges. We will connect them with pioneers who have experience, solutions, expertise, and/or relevant partners. Through co-design sessions, we will support each other in tackling projects or successfully advancing ongoing initiatives.

This will take place over approximately 10 meetings, providing space to focus on your own challenges and learning needs. We will organize about one meeting per quarter, with the first one scheduled for September 2020. For inspiration, we will visit various locations.

What we ask of you is the willingness and ambition to take action, the openness to share, and the drive to move your company forward. Participation in the first four meetings is free of charge. If you are enthusiastic and want to continue afterward, we will ask for a contribution to participate. The amount will depend on the additional funding we hope to secure for the remaining six meetings.

If you’re interested, you can contact

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